Sunday 7 January 2024

Week 1: Deadly weather

The storm has tormented us for several days now. Most of the crew is dead, only four of us still cling to this sinking ruin of a ship. Fenja and Menja, sisters in arms and blood both, Saoirse of Ker, whose unearthily beautiful yet unintelligible voice has grown weary with fear, and of course I, once a petty scribe in the services of queen Ereshkigal but now nothing more than a half-drowned wretch.

May whoever finds this note think of us in their prayers.

Jan 1, Monday; Snowy drizzle

  • We were shipwrecked on a swampy shore (#6.13) before sunrise. Praise the stars for their little mercies, for we all still live. We salvaged what little could be found in the wreckage and ventured into the swamp.
  • Around noon, we happened upon a troglodyte village. They were not outright hostile, but demanded a tribute to their god. Said god turned out to be an ancient thinking war-machine, but it was quite friendly. It offered us shelter in the village.
  • We explored a bit to the west (#6.12), but found only barren plains, so we returned to village for the night.

HD 80!!!

Jan 2, Tuesday; Blizzard

  • The storm that shipwrecked us come ashore, we cannot go anywhere in this weather.

Jan 3, Wednesday; Blizzard

  • The wind and cold has not subsided, but at least Saoirse's songs have won us favour of the chieftain and we are fed for free. It's disgusting but filling; raw fish, roots and berries.

Jan 4, Thursday; Snowy wind

  • Saoirse was challenged to a singing duel by the village's storyteller. She lost (2d6 roll with a +3 bonus!) and we couldn't stop laughing. Who knew a stinky lizard could have such a clean voice?
  • The weather is getting better. We will set off tomorrow, if nothing goes wrong.

Jan 5, Friday; Light snowfall

  • Finally, a travelling weather! The troglodytes won't take our money, but we traded a beartrap for 10 rations.
  • We travelled west (#6.12, #5.11, #5.10), trudging over the half-frozen marshland.
  • In the afternoon, we were accosted by demi-human hunters who seemed just as surprised as we when we came face to face, but they attacked us anyway.
5x Demi-human: HD 1, AC 7, AT spear or club, ML 7
  • Fenja charged ahead, stumbled and fell. Only through sheer luck she didn't get beaten to death. Menja and her dog took down 2 foes each and the last one ran away.
4.5 x 5 = 23 XP and some dead rabbits
  • We found a secluded place to set up camp, afraid of retaliation should the last demi-human return with allies, but the night was uneventful.

Jan 6, Saturday; Light snowfall, shooting star

  • Sick of the swamp, we turned back west in hopes of finding the dry plains again.
  • Come evening, we were out of the swamp (#4.11, #4.12) and completely exhausted.

Jan 7, Sunday; Blizzard

  • The night was awful. Caught in a snowstorm with no proper shelter, we nearly froze to death. Menja now has a stubborn cough, but Saoirse somehow seems to have endured the cold with only minor discomfort.
  • We need to return to the village and somehow get better equipped for this kind of weather, but we won't survive the journey in the blizzard. We decided to gather as much firewood a possible and build a makeshift shelter.
  • We were all exhausted come evening, but Chani was the worst off - she fell into a frozen pond and lost not only her weapon, but also tainted all her food. And still Saoirse seemed troubled by something worse she insisted was coming.
  • And it came, except it was a salvation. An outrider group of Amazons, lost in the blizzard just as we were, who deigned to share tents and stories with us.
5x Amazon: HD 1, AC 7, AT spear, ML 8
  • They even divulged a location of their city (#3.6), though they had other duties to see to before they will be returning there.
  • With firewood and shelter, we slept well, even though the wind was wailing through the whole night.

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