Monday 1 January 2024

The Shipwrecked

Fenja, level 1 fighter
HD 1+2
AC 7 (shield)
ST 9, +1 Physique
Background: baker
Interesting items:

  • War hammer, shield
Languages: Tradertalk, ½ Lizard

Menja, level 1 fighter
HD 1+2
AC 7 (furs)
ST 9, +1 Physique
Background: miller
Interesting items:
  • Sword & dagger
  • Fur armour
  • Brown lotus poison
  • Úlfi the small but vicious dog
Languages: Tradertalk*

Chani, level 1 wanderer
HD 1+1
AC 7 (shield)
ST 9, +1 Agility
Background: bureaucrat, stealth
Interesting items:
  • War hammer, shield
  • Boot knife
  • Tinderbox
  • Paper, quill & ink
  • Lantern & oil
Languages: Tradertalk*, ½ Amazon

Saoirse of Ker, level 1 sorceress
HD 1
AC 6
ST 9, +1 Mind
Background: Fled a sinking paradise island she used to call home. When she sings, reroll non-aggressive Reaction with a +2 bonus.
Interesting items:
  • Axe
  • Harp
  • Andronike the crow
Languages: ½ Tradertalk
Spells: The Language of Stones and Stars

*) Can read and write.

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