Thursday 25 January 2024

Hungering Temple

A squat adobe pyramid worn by passing years, with a six floor dungeon beneath it. The lowest level holds a sacred pool within which a deity's servant dwells. The temple is inhabited by the Feather-and-Claw people and dedicated to Shadow-that-Hungers.

, an avian deity of Night

  • Its priests are known for their mastery over darkness.
  • To devoted disciples, it offers eternal life of a sort. Regular human sacrifices infuse a person with preternatural vigour, which lets one persist far beyond their years.
  • Its cult is focused on a world-shaking project.


  1. Midnight-Ascendant (HD 5), the high priestess of the temple
  2. Darkness-Regnant (HD 4)
  3. Darkness-Malignant (HD 3)
  4. Darkness-Poignant (HD 3)
  5. Gloom-Unforeseen (HD 2)
  6. Penumbra (HD 2)


  • Once per day at midnight, accompanied by chanting celebrating the night.
  • Special one during eclipses, attended by priests only, when human sacrifices are offered.


  • 30 000 silver in religious iconography and paraphernalia
  • 3 000 silver in coins
  • Hoard of the Many-Winged Herald, gathered in its sacred pool where it sleeps.

Notes & Connections:

  • At war with Eklo, the bandit village.
  • Cultists speak Ziz, while priests have a 2:6 chance of speaking Tradertalk.


Stolen from here.

d4Common Encounters#App
1-2Feather-and-Claw cultistsd8 or d20
3Hungering shadowsd8
4Carcass crawlersd3

d6Uncommon Encounters#App
1-3Priest (see Leadership) &
Feather-and-Claw cultists
1 & d8
4-5Black iron statued2
6The Many-Winged Heraldunique

Feather-and-Claw cultist
Flightless humanoid avians of black feathers and maddened eyes.
HD 1, AC 7, AT javelin, XP 10

Hungering shadow
Left behind by sacrificial victims of Shadow-that-Hungers.
HD 2, AC 7, AT touch + devour, ML +5, XP 35

  • Shadowy: Can only be harmed by magic, but chased off by strong light (Morale at -4).
  • Shadow stealth: +3 to surprise chances.
  • Undead immunities
  • Devour: Victims lose 1 Physique per hit and roll Physique. If the total is 0 or less, they are devoured by darkness and become a new shadow. Recover Physique as Fatigue.

Carcass Crawler
Saprovorous insects, common in waste pits and mass graves.
HD 3, AC 7, AT tentacle (+4, no dmg) + paralysis, ML +2, XP 75

  • Paralysis: Make a Physique ST or be paralysed for 2d4 x 10 minutes. Paralysed victims will be devoured, if the crawler is left in peace.
  • Cling: Can walk on walls and ceilings.

Living Statue, Black Iron
Crow-headed animated statue.
HD 4, AC 9, AT talon (+1), ML +4, XP 75

  • Shatter metals: Non-magical, metal weapons crack when they hit the statue.
  • Unliving immunities

Feather-and-Claw priest
Five children of the high priestess.
HD d3+1, AC 8, AT javelin, XP 65

  • Spell casting, sacred
  • Summon shadow beast: The priest can perform a ritual along with four other cultists to summon a shadow beast, which takes three rounds of chanting and cannot be carried out in bright light. The summoned shadow beast is not under the priest's control, but will not harm Feather-and-Claw people.

Shadow beast
A shapeless shadow, darker than the darkness surrounding it.
HD 8, AC 9, AT sharp shadows, MV crow, ML +3, XP 1 200

  • Shadowy: Can only be harmed by magic, but chased off by strong light (Morale at -4).
  • Summoned: Dissipates if the priest that summoned it is incapacitated.
  • Extinguish small lights
  • Undead immunities
  • Devour whole: All creatures close by save or take 2 damage. Any slain are devoured by darkness and become a new hungering shadow. Only usable in darkness.

The Many-Winged Herald
, servant of Shadow-that-Hungers
"All shall be night!"
HD 6, AC 9, AT beak (+1, 2 dmg) or breath, MV crow, ML +1, XP 725

  • Worshipped: Immensely proud, will always listen to flattery. Can speak Ziz.
  • Attack pattern: Always attacks first with its breath weapon, then either breathes again or makes melee attacks (equal chance of either).
  • Breath weapon: Ravenous darkness, 80' long line, up to three times per day. All caught in it lose levels equal to the Herald's current HD, save for half.
  • Undead immunities
  • Rejuvenation: Discorporates into black feathers and starved crows if reduced to 0 HD and comes back on the next sundown. Can only be permanently killed in sunlight.

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